Do's & Don'ts - Permitted and Prohibited Uses provides convenient and affordable access to public records. However, the use of this information is governed by laws such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which strictly regulate how this data can and cannot be utilized.
Below, we outline some examples of permitted and prohibited uses of public record information obtained from Any use falling under the “Don’ts” section violates both our Terms & Conditions and applicable laws, potentially resulting in criminal penalties. We take violations very seriously and reserve the right to suspend or terminate accounts and/or report misuse to the appropriate authorities when necessary.
Find Someone’s Current Address
Need to update your address book? Use our service to ensure your invitations, greeting cards, and other correspondence reach the right person.
Employment screening
Employers are prohibited from using to conduct background checks on employees or job applicants. The platform cannot be used to evaluate individuals for employment, reassignment, promotion, or retention.
Look Yourself Up
It’s not silly—it’s essential. Knowing what is included in your public record is an important step in managing your personal information.
Credit, Insurance, or Mortgages
It is not silly, it is important. You should know what is in your public record.
Evaluating Potential Adoptive Parents or Pet Owners
Our services may not be used to evaluate individuals as candidates for adopting a pet, service animal, child, or any other entity or item intended for care or custodianship.
Check Out Your New Neighbors
Just moved to a new area or have new neighbors next door? Learn more about your community and the people around you.
Hiring Household Workers
This includes, but is not limited to, nannies and domestic workers. If you wish to conduct a background check for household workers, you must adhere to the same legal procedures required of employers hiring job applicants.
Find Out Who’s Calling You
Unsure about the identity of an unknown caller? Use our reverse phone search to find out who’s behind the number.
Checking Educational Qualifications
This includes, but is not limited to, verifying a person’s qualifications for an educational program or scholarship.
Stalking, Spying, or Contacting People Against Their Wishes
Use responsibly and respect individuals’ right to privacy. If someone has expressed that they do not wish to be contacted, their wishes must be respected.
Scope Out Your Online Date
Met someone new online? Do a quick check! Use our social profile information to learn more about your potential date before meeting up.
Vetting Individuals for Charities or Non-Profits
You may not use to assess an individual’s eligibility or fitness to participate in, be considered for, admitted to, or benefit from any non-profit organization, charitable program, grant, or related activity.
Find Old Friends and Family
We love hearing stories about how public records help people reconnect—whether it’s with childhood friends, distant relatives, or even a long-lost love. Let help you rediscover those meaningful connections!
Stealing an Identity
Identity theft is a serious crime with severe legal consequences. Do not engage in this illegal activity.
Tenant Screening
This includes, but is not limited to, leasing residential or commercial spaces. By law, background checks on potential tenants must be conducted through a Consumer Reporting Agency.
Roommate Worthy?
Looking for a new roommate? Learn more about potential candidates before deciding to share a living space.
Business Transactions Initiated by an Individual Customer
Using to review a personal customer account for the purpose of determining whether the individual continues to meet the terms of the account is not permitted.
Verify Online Sellers
Before placing a bid, ensure that the person on the online auction site is genuine and trustworthy.
Need Further Clarification?
If you are still unsure whether your intended use of complies with our guidelines, we encourage you to review our complete Terms & Conditions, which outline permissible uses in detail. Alternatively, feel free to contact us for clarification.
If you require information for a purpose not permitted by, we recommend visiting the website of a Consumer Reporting Agency for assistance.